What I do

Individual Therapy

Psychotherapy sessions last for 50 minutes. It usually costs between £40 and £70 depending on the frequency (once, twice, or three times a week) and the time of your sessions (evening or daytime). Treatments can last from 20 sessions to years. During your initial consultation, we decide together what would suit you best. I’m also aware that working psychoanalytically is not suitable for everyone or we do not always find each other well suited. I can also recommend excellent practitioners who use different techniques.

Couple counselling

A couple therapy sessions last for 90 minutes. We usually meet fortnightly unless otherwise agreed. The aim of these sessions is to help each partner to be emotionally honest, understand each other’s feelings, and engage with their difficulties in a less defensive manner.

Online Therapy

Online therapy can take less time away from the office or your workday and you don’t need to worry about traffic. Online communication is very comfortable for many people, especially younger adults or those who use technology often. It can seem more comfortable or easier than talking to someone in person, especially when revealing personal or private information.
It can provide access to those who can’t get to an office. However, I believe it is best used as complementary to in-person psychotherapy.

I can help you with




Relationship issues

Contact me